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Bentonite clay slurry

Bentonite clay slurry

Organophilic Clay For Oil Drilling Mud

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Organoclay For Solvent Based Paint

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Organoclay For Water Based Paint

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Organo Bentonite For Grease

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Organoclay For Cosmetics

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed auctor turpis eu arcu sagittis, id sagittis justo suscipit.

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Solvent Based Organoclay

Water Based Organoclay

Organophilic Clay

Drilling Grade Organophilic Clay

Paint Grade Organoclay

Grease Grade Organoclay

Cosmetics Grade Organoclay

Ink Grade Organoclay

Bentonite clay slurry

Bentonite clay slurry

Bentonite Slurry Drilling Fluid

The main goal of using organo bentonite clay slurry in mud is to cool the drill bit and take the cuttings generated during the drilling mud process out of the well to achieve a clean and environmentally friendly effect on the drilling platform. It can also protect the well wall. , to avoid collapse.

These are the main functions of bentonite clay slurry applied to drilling mud, and of course, it has many advantages. For example, after using organoclays bentonite, the pulping rate of the entire drilling mud will be greatly improved, and the filter loss will be greatly reduced. Organophilic clay bentonite is very economical, has strong chip-carrying ability, and cools the drill bit to lubricate the drill bit.

Properties | Bentonite clay slurry

Composition Organically modified bentonite clay

Physical appearance Off white to tan free-flowing powder

Moisture content (105,2hr) ≤4%

Particle size (<76μm or 200mesh) ≥95%


Application | Bentonite clay slurry

Base oil:

Diesel Oils

Crude Oils

Mineral Oils

Synthetic Oil


Viscosifying drilling Fluids:

Oil based drilling fluids

Invert emulsion fluids

Workover fluids

Completion fluids

Casing packs

Packer fluids

Spotting fluids

We list the methods of using bentonite in drilling mud as follows for your reference.

1) Add the pre-gelled bentonite clay slurry into the mud tank, add water and stir at high speed. It can only be used after a series of cycles.

2), we recommend that you use fresh water as a basic liquid to add to the mud, and we recommend that you conduct a test on the fresh water before use, because its PH value and hardness will directly affect the final performance of the organic clay bentonite. If you see that the hardness of the water is relatively high and the pH value is acidic, then we recommend that you add some soda ash or caustic soda. The pH value should be controlled between 8 and 10, which is optimal.

3) In terms of the steps for using organo clay bentonite, we recommend that it is very important to add other raw materials independently in order, because adding all the raw materials to the mud at the same time may cause each other to affect each other, making the organophilic clay bentonite unable to Completely presents its suspension performance and rheological properties.

At present, when testing the parameters of organic bentonite clay slurry, we are most concerned about its several main indicators, including: viscosity, yield value, and moisture. Loss on ignition, etc. Below is the data sheet we have given for your reference.


Therefore, our organiclay bentonite clay slurry is mainly used in oil-based mud. It can effectively improve your home’s connectivity, high suspension, lubricity, thixotropy and rheology.

What is bentonite slurry used for?

It is mainly used in oil drilling in drilling mud. Geological drilling, subway scenery, lateral crossing, etc. At present, it can greatly improve the drilling mud bentonite slurrying rate, reduce filter loss, strong suspension ability, and excellent lubricity. At the same time, it can plug leaks, protect the well wall, and prevent collapse.

We suggest you store in a dry, well-ventilated area with temperature of 0℃-30℃. Keep container closed. The quality guarantee period is 24 months.


The information on use is based on data which are believed reliable, but any recommendation or suggestion made is without guarantee or warranty, since the conditions of use are outside our control. All products are sold on the conditions that purchasers shall make their own tests to determine the suitability of such products for their purpose and that all risks are assumed by user.

We disclaim any responsibility for damages resulting from careless or improper handling or use. Nothing herein is to be taken as permission, inducement or recommendation to practice any patented invention without a license.

Bentonite clay slurry

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