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Bentonite for Drilling Fluids

Bentonite for Drilling Fluids : In this article, we mainly introduce organic bentonite, which has different characteristics and applications in paint, but in fact, our main business is still oilfield drilling. We have corresponding products to recommend to you that use different types of organic bentonite in different base oils around the world.

Bentonite for Drilling Fluids

Organofilna glina za isplaku iz naftnih bušotina

Kupac je jako zadovoljan, poboljšane procedure praćenja. Ali autor srednjoškolskog nogometnog streljaštva, potrebne su samo strijele.

Organoclay za boje na bazi otapala

Kupac je jako zadovoljan, poboljšane procedure praćenja. Ali autor srednjoškolskog nogometnog streljaštva, potrebne su samo strijele.

Organoclay za boje na bazi vode

Kupac je jako zadovoljan, poboljšane procedure praćenja. Ali autor srednjoškolskog nogometnog streljaštva, potrebne su samo strijele.

Organski bentonit za mast

Kupac je jako zadovoljan, poboljšane procedure praćenja. Ali autor srednjoškolskog nogometnog streljaštva, potrebne su samo strijele.

Organoclay Za Kozmetiku

Kupac je jako zadovoljan, poboljšane procedure praćenja. Ali autor srednjoškolskog nogometnog streljaštva, potrebne su samo strijele.

Organoclay za tinte

Kupac je jako zadovoljan, poboljšane procedure praćenja. Ali autor srednjoškolskog nogometnog streljaštva, potrebne su samo strijele.


Organoclay na bazi otapala

Organoclay na bazi vode

Organofilna glina

Organofilna glina za bušenje

Organoclay za bojenje

Organoclay Grade Grease

Organoclay za kozmetiku

Tinta Grade Organoclay

Bentonite for Drilling Fluids

Bentonite for Drilling Fluids

In this article, we mainly introduce organic bentonite, which has different characteristics and applications in paint, but in fact, our main business is still oilfield drilling. We have corresponding products to recommend to you that use different types of organic bentonite in different base oils around the world.

They are all modified organic bentonite and are suitable for use in different polar and different base oils.Bentonite can reduce your production costs and improve the performance of the entire formula, especially in terms of suspension, rheological properties, and other unexpected gains.

Bentonite for Drilling Fluids

Introduction to Organoclay

In paints and coatings, organoclays are used as rheological additives to improve the flow qualities, otpor sag, and anti-settling features of the material. The organoclay materials offered by Zhejiang Camp Shinning make it possible for pigments to be dispersed more effectively, which in turn leads to superior color development and an overall improvement in the performance of coatings.

Organoclays are synthetic materials that are derived from naturally occurring clay minerals like montmorillonite and bentonite. The clay surfaces of these minerals go through a process called as organophilization, in which they are changed with organic molecules, most often quaternary ammonium ions. This change bestows distinctive qualities onto the organoclays, including increased rheological control, greater thickening efficiency, and exceptional suspension capabilities, to name just a few.

What is the Purpose of Organoclay Thickeners in Paint?

When we add organoclay to the paint, it becomes thicker and less likely to flow. The better thickness of the paint makes it easier to apply and prevents it from spreading too much or dripping, especially on surfaces that are upright. When the paint becomes thicker, it helps to spread it evenly and uniformly, resulting in a consistent paint thickness.

Organoclays are used in paints and coatings to enhance their flow properties, spriječiti opadanje, and improve their ability to resist settling. The organoclay products from Zhejiang Camp Shinning help to disperse pigments more effectively, which leads to better color development and overall performance of coatings.

What are the Different Types of Paint Thickeners?

Željene kvalitete i kriteriji primjene formulacije boje mogu se koristiti za usmjeravanje odabira mnogih vrsta zgušnjivača boje, od kojih svaki nudi određene prednosti.

1. Organoclays

Organoclays su iznimno popularna upotreba kao zgušnjivači boja. Struktura ovih glina je promijenjena primjenom organskih molekula. Kompozicije boja imaju koristi od upotrebe organogline jer ona povećava viskoznost i povećava stabilnost. Tijekom procesa prijave, služe za izbjegavanje ugiba i curenja, kao i poboljšati tečnost boje. Također, organogline, posebno oni iz Zhejiang Camp-Shinninga pristupačni su u usporedbi s drugim zgušnjivačima boja dostupnima u industriji.

2. Hidrogenirana ricinusova ulja

Hydrogenated castor oil is a waxy compound obtained through the hydrogenation of refined castor oil. It is commonly used as a slip additive in paints, plastics, i tinte. It also functions as a dispersing agent in carbon papers, plastic color master batches, and ink formulations. Dodatno, it can serve as a dispersing additive and flow control agent in sealants, hot-melt adhesives, powder coatings, i više.

3. Polyamides | Bentonite for Drilling Fluids

These are high-performance coatings that are semi-transparent and are designed to preserve wood surfaces that are exposed to the elements. They provide protection against the damaging effects of water, mold, and ultraviolet light. Polyamides are often utilized in wood treatments because of their ability to increase durability while still maintaining the wood’s natural beauty.

4. Silicas |Bentonite for Drilling Fluids

Another kind of thickener that is often used in oil-based paint formulations. Due to the fact that it has a little effect on the color of drying oil, it may be used without significantly altering the overall color hue. When employed in formulas, silica has a rather firm texture, koji, when combined with other ingredients, may impart a noticeable texture on the surface of the paint.

Bentonite for Drilling Fluids

Advantages of Using Organoclay as a Thickener in Paint Formulations

Organoclay is a substance that paint manufacturers find helpful in controlling the thickness and flow of their paint formulations. By using this approach, you can avoid the paint from drooping, dripping, or running while you are applying the paint. By doing this, you’ll have more precise control over the paint, and it will enhance the overall look of your project. This product is designed to make it easier for you to apply paint by helping to level it out. This results in a smoother and more even finish, whether you’re using a brush or a roller.

Organoclay-based thickeners are useful in improving the stability and durability of paint formulations. These substances help prevent pigments, punila, and other components from settling and separating, even when they are exposed to varying temperatures and shear conditions. When paint is stable, it can last longer on the shelf. This means that the quality of the paint remains consistent over time. Many types of paint systems work well with organoclay thickeners. Možete ih dodati različitim vrstama boja bez ikakvog utjecaja na učinkovitost ili druge karakteristike boje.

Vrste boja koje koriste organoglinu
Bentonite for Drilling Fluids

Zgušnjivači na bazi organske gline nalaze primjenu u širokom rasponu vrsta boja. Evo nekih uobičajenih vrsta boja koje koriste organoglinu:

1. Zgušnjivač akrilne boje

Organoclay tvrtke Zhejiang Camp-Shinning posebno je formulirana za povećanje učinkovitosti zgušnjavanja u sintetičkim i drugim organskim tekućinama srednje do visoke polarnosti. Kada se ugradi u formulacije akrilnih boja, ovaj reološki dodatak od organske gline poboljšava kontrolu viskoznosti, što omogućuje bolje rukovanje i nanošenje boje.

2. Zgušnjivač uljane boje

Da bi to napravio, pomiješate smektit od organske gline s organskim kationom. Tipično, količina iskorištenog kationa je unutar raspona od 75% do 150% of the clay’s cation exchange capacity. This clay is effective in thickening natural oil systems. If the organophilic clay has a component that occurs naturally, it is more effective in thickening natural oil-based products. The end result is now easier to work with and apply due to improved viscosity control and stability of the oil paints.

3. Latex Paint Thickener

Zhejiang Camp-Shinning CP-180 is a type of organoclay thickener that can be added to latex paint. It has the advantage of being able to disperse well even under high shear conditions. When you combine it with a polar activator, CP-180 works at its best efficiency. Obično, the polar activator makes up around 30% do 40% of the weight of CP-180. Tipično, when adding CP-180 to latex paint formulations, the recommended levels range from 0.2% do 2.0%. For optimal outcomes, it is suggested to use a polar activator like 95% ethanol or 95% metanol. When you use a mixture of organoclay thickener and polar activator, it helps to better control the thickness and stability of latex paint formulations.

4. Water-Based Paint Thickener

Specifically designed for water-based systems, the organoclay thickener enhances the viscosity and rheological properties of the paint, ensuring better control during application. It disperses easily in water-based formulations without the need for additional heat or complex mixing processes. The addition levels of the organoclay thickener typically range from 0.2% do 2.0%, depending on the desired viscosity and consistency of the paint.

5. Construction Paint Thickener

In the construction industry, ovaj se aditiv koristi za poboljšanje kontrole viskoznosti i ukupne učinkovitosti formulacija građevinskih boja. Ovaj proizvod je odličan u sprječavanju kapanja i curenja kada se nanosi na okomite površine, zahvaljujući izvrsnoj otpornosti na savijanje. Upotreba zgušnjivača od organske gline u boji također pomaže poboljšati njezina svojstva izravnavanja, što u konačnici dovodi do uglačane i ujednačene površine. Ovaj proizvod dobro funkcionira s različitim vrstama sustava građevinskih boja, kao što su unutarnji i vanjski premazi, početnice, i teksturirane boje.

6. Zgušnjivač emulzijske boje

Zhejiang Camp Shinning CP-EWS vrsta je zgušnjivača od organske gline koji je posebno napravljen za emulzijske boje i poznat je po svojoj iznimnoj kvaliteti. Ova tvar daje bolje rezultate kada je u pitanju debljina, jasnoća, i ravnomjernu distribuciju. CP-EWS improves the clarity of emulsion paints, resulting in a vivid and distinct color display. The paint has a great ability to spread evenly, which means that the pigments and additives are distributed uniformly. This leads to a consistent color development and better performance of the paint overall.

7. Wall Putty Paint Thickener

The Zhejiang Camp Shinning CP-34 is a specific kind of bentonite clay that has been altered with organoclay. This product is made specifically to be used for wall putty paint applications. It works effectively with different types of solvents, including those with low polarity and those with medium-high polarity. If you add CP-34 to solvent-based wall putty paint, it will enhance the texture and consistency of the paint and keep it stable. Ovaj proizvod čini čuda u zgušnjavanju i sprječavanju opuštenosti, što ga čini lakim za nanošenje na zidove i druge okomite površine.

Koja je uobičajena mješavina sredstva za zgušnjavanje boja?

Boje se obično zgušnjavaju kombinacijom natrijevog bentonita i magnezijevog oksida. Natrijev bentonit je vrsta minerala gline koji je dobro poznat po svojoj sposobnosti bubrenja i upijanja vode. Ovo svojstvo ga čini izvrsnim sredstvom za zgušnjavanje.

Kad mu dodate vodu, postaje gel za zgušnjavanje akrilne boje itd. S druge strane, magnezijev oksid služi kao suzgušnjivač i stabilizator u smjesi. Poboljšanje reoloških svojstava boje može povećati njezinu stabilnost i spriječiti njeno spuštanje ili kapanje. Kada se natrijev bentonit i magnezijev oksid pomiješaju, rade zajedno kako bi stvorili bolji rezultat. This means that they can help thicken paint and make it easier to control the flow of the paint. Paint manufacturers often use a combination of thickening agents to achieve the desired thickness and texture in different types of paints.


Bentonite for Drilling Fluids,Regarding the needs of this application field, please contact our sales team in a timely manner. Naravno, our technical department will also cooperate with the progress of your experiment to help you achieve your pursuit of the performance of this product. Stoga, if your application field is not in the field of paint and coatings, and if it is used in Bentonite for Drilling Fluids, please contact us boldly, Our bentonite is very popular among customers when used in this system.

We have over 20 years of rich experience in using organoclay for paint and coating , especially in the various types of paint and coatings mentioned above. Međutim, regarding Bentonite for Drilling Fluids, which is currently our largest source of business, our main export proportion is still in Bentonite for Drilling Fluids.















Bentonite for Drilling Fluids

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