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Staklo s mjehurićima

Stakleni mjehurići su nevjerojatno male kuglice napravljene od šupljeg stakla. Izgledaju poput bijelog praha koji lako teče. They're created using a type of glass that's resistant to water and chemicals, naziva se soda-lime-borosilikatno staklo.

Staklo s mjehurićima

Organofilna glina za isplaku iz naftnih bušotina

Kupac je jako zadovoljan, poboljšane procedure praćenja. Ali autor srednjoškolskog nogometnog streljaštva, potrebne su samo strijele.

Organoclay za boje na bazi otapala

Kupac je jako zadovoljan, poboljšane procedure praćenja. Ali autor srednjoškolskog nogometnog streljaštva, potrebne su samo strijele.

Organoclay za boje na bazi vode

Kupac je jako zadovoljan, poboljšane procedure praćenja. Ali autor srednjoškolskog nogometnog streljaštva, potrebne su samo strijele.

Organski bentonit za mast

Kupac je jako zadovoljan, poboljšane procedure praćenja. Ali autor srednjoškolskog nogometnog streljaštva, potrebne su samo strijele.

Organoclay Za Kozmetiku

Kupac je jako zadovoljan, poboljšane procedure praćenja. Ali autor srednjoškolskog nogometnog streljaštva, potrebne su samo strijele.

Organoclay za tinte

Kupac je jako zadovoljan, poboljšane procedure praćenja. Ali autor srednjoškolskog nogometnog streljaštva, potrebne su samo strijele.


Organoclay na bazi otapala

Organoclay na bazi vode

Organofilna glina

Organofilna glina za bušenje

Organoclay za bojenje

Organoclay Grade Grease

Organoclay za kozmetiku

Tinta Grade Organoclay

Staklo s mjehurićima

Staklo s mjehurićima

What are Glass Bubbles?

These glass bubbles are light but strong because they have a high strength-to-weight ratio. This can handle being processed without breaking. They’re made from a type of glass that doesn’t react with chemicals and doesn’t get damaged by water. The glass bubbles have a smooth, non-porous surface, and their round shape gives them several advantages over additives or fillers that have irregular shapes.


Characteristics of Glass Bubbles Microsphere

Glass bubbles microspheres possess a range of distinct characteristics that contribute to their unique properties and versatile applications.


Glass bubbles microspheres are known for their characteristic of being lightweight. Ova karakteristika im omogućuje da dodaju minimalnu masu materijalima dok još uvijek pružaju snagu i funkcionalnost. Lagana priroda ovih mikrokuglica posebno je korisna u industrijama koje žele smanjiti ukupnu težinu svojih proizvoda radi poboljšane učinkovitosti i performansi.


Unatoč njihovoj laganoj prirodi, stakleni mjehurići mikrosfere pokazuju impresivnu snagu. Njihova je struktura projektirana tako da ima visok omjer čvrstoće i gustoće, omogućujući im da izdrže različite tehnike obrade i integraciju u različite materijale bez ugrožavanja njihovog integriteta. Ova čvrstoća osigurava da mikrosfere zadrže svoja svojstva čak i u teškim uvjetima.


Mikrosfere od staklenih mjehurića kemijski su stabilne zbog svog sastava natrijevog vapna i borosilikatnog stakla. Ova stabilnost ih čini otpornima na kemijske reakcije, korozija, i degradacija tijekom vremena. Kao rezultat, zadržavaju svoja svojstva i performanse u širokom rasponu okruženja, povećanje trajnosti i pouzdanosti proizvoda koji sadrže ove mikrosfere.


Sferični oblik mikrosfera od staklenih mjehurića ključna je značajka koja donosi nekoliko prednosti. Ovaj oblik omogućuje ravnomjernu disperziju unutar materijala, povećanje postojanosti svojstava kao što su toplinska vodljivost i mehanička čvrstoća. Njihova glatka, zaobljena površina smanjuje trenje, omogućavajući glatkiji protok i miješanje tijekom obrade.

Šuplje mjehurasto staklo

Šuplja struktura mikrosfera staklenih mjehurića doprinosi njihovoj laganoj prirodi i jedinstvenim karakteristikama. Ova šupljina smanjuje gustoću mikrosfera, making them buoyant and efficient insulators. It also adds to their strength-to-weight ratio, enabling them to be integrated into materials without compromising their overall structural integrity.

Staklo s mjehurićima

Application of Glass Bubbles Microsphere

Because of its characteristics, glass bubbles microspheres are applied in different industries:

Use of Hollow Glass Microsphere in Coating

Glass bubbles microspheres are widely used in the coatings industry to enhance the properties of paints and coatings. Kada se dodaje u premaze, these microspheres contribute to improved durability, reduced weight, and enhanced thermal insulation. They also offer better resistance to cracking and chipping, resulting in longer lasting and more resilient coatings. The lightweight nature of the microspheres allows for the creation of thicker coatings without adding excessive weight, which can be beneficial in achieving desired coverage and performance.

Use of Glass Microspheres in Construction Materials

Glass bubbles microspheres are utilized in a variety of construction materials, including concrete and cementitious products. By incorporating these microspheres into concrete mixes, construction materials become lighter, which simplifies handling and transportation. Dodatno, the microspheres contribute to improved insulation properties and reduced thermal conductivity. In concrete applications, they also aid in reducing the overall density while maintaining structural integrity.

Use of Hollow Glass Spheres Drilling Fluids | Staklo s mjehurićima

One of the primary purposes of incorporating hollow glass spheres into drilling fluids is to precisely control the fluid’s density. Density control is a critical parameter in drilling operations, as it affects the balance between the pressure exerted by the drilling fluid and the pressure from the formation being drilled. By adjusting the concentration of glass microspheres within the drilling fluid, drilling engineers can finely tune and optimize the fluid’s density.

Beyond density control, the incorporation of hollow glass spheres can also enhance the rheological properties of drilling fluids. These microspheres contribute to the overall flow characteristics of the fluid, leading to improved circulation and transport of cuttings and debris to the surface. This helps maintain a clear borehole, reducing the risk of equipment blockages and improving overall drilling efficiency.

Use of Hollow Glass Microsphere in Rubber & Plastic Industry

In the rubber and plastic industry, glass bubbles microspheres are utilized as lightweight fillers and reinforcing agents. When added to rubber or plastic formulations, they help reduce the overall weight of the final product while maintaining or even enhancing mechanical properties. This is particularly valuable in applications where weight reduction is desired, such as automotive parts or consumer goods. The microspheres also contribute to dimensional stability and can assist in achieving consistent product quality.

Use of Hollow Glass Beads for Traffic Paint and Road Paint | Staklo s mjehurićima

Hollow glass beads have reflective properties that make them highly effective in increasing the visibility of road markings, especially during nighttime and low-light conditions. When vehicle headlights or other light sources hit these beads, they reflect the light back toward its source, making road markings more visible to drivers. This reflective quality significantly improves road safety by providing clear guidance to.

When hollow glass beads become embedded within the paint, it creates a protective layer that helps prevent premature wear and fading. As vehicles pass over the markings, the glass beads act as a shield, maintaining the paint’s integrity and extending its lifespan. This durability is particularly important for maintaining effective road signage and markings under various weather conditions.

Use of Micro Bubbles in Resin Formulations

When integrated micro bubbles in resin formulations, they add minimal weight while significantly increasing the volume of the mixture. This lightweight attribute is particularly advantageous in sectors where weight reduction is essential for efficient transportation. The addition of micro bubbles allows precise control over the density of the resin material. By adjusting the concentration of these bubbles, manufacturers can fine-tune the overall density of the composite.

Staklo s mjehurićima

How to Properly Handle and Store Glass Bubbles?

It’s important to take some precautions when handling glass bubbles microspheres. Because these hollow glass microspheres are very lightweight and small, there’s a possibility that they could produce dust when you handle or process them. To reduce the chances of this happening, here are some things to keep in mind when working with them:

Keep Container Closed | Staklo s mjehurićima

When dealing with glass bubbles, Bubble Glass is crucial to keep their container closed when you’re not actively using them. This prevents unnecessary exposure to air, vlage, and contaminants that could affect their properties. By maintaining a sealed container, you preserve the integrity of the hollow glass microspheres and prevent any unintended changes in their characteristics.

When you receive packages containing glass bubbles, Bubble Glass is recommended not to open them until you’re fully prepared to start using them. Opening the packages prematurely can lead to the release of microspheres into the environment, increasing the risk of dusting and potential contamination. Wait until you’re ready to incorporate the glass microballoons bubbles into your process to minimize the chances of particles becoming airborne.

Use Air Siphon when Opening Packages | Staklo s mjehurićima

When you’re ready to open packages containing glass microballoons, Bubble Glass is recommended to have an air siphon tool nearby. An air siphon is a device that helps to direct air currents away from the opened package. By positioning the air siphon strategically, you can create an airflow that pulls any particles that might become airborne away from the immediate working area. This helps to minimize the dispersion of particles and reduces the potential for dusting.

Depending on the regulations set forth by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, it might be necessary to implement a dust collection system. A dust collection system is designed to capture and contain particles that are generated during handling and processing. This system helps to maintain a cleaner and safer working environment by preventing the release of particles into the air.

Use Suction Wand When Transporting |

When you need to move glass bubbles from one location to another, Bubble Glass is recommended to use a tool called a suction wand. A suction wand is a device that uses a controlled airflow to draw the microspheres into a contained space. To ensure effective and controlled transfer, use a suction wand with a slight positive pressure aeration. This helps prevent the microspheres from scattering and becoming airborne.

After using the suction wand, transfer the glass bubbles to a closed mixing tank. A closed mixing tank is an enclosed container that prevents the escape of microspheres into the surrounding environment. This containment ensures that the glass bubbles remain confined, reducing the risk of dusting and contamination.

If a closed mixing tank is not available, Bubble Glass is important to take additional precautions. Utilize dust collection equipment, which captures airborne particles, keeping the working area clean and safe. Consider using pneumatic conveyor systems. These systems use controlled airflows to transport glass microballoons without creating dust. Many companies have found success using pneumatic conveyors to move the microspheres effectively.

Use Static Eliminators | Staklo s mjehurićima

Static electricity can accumulate when working with materials like glass bubbles, which could lead to unwanted effects such as sparks or particle attraction. To prevent this buildup of static electricity, Bubble Glass je ključan za korištenje uređaja poznatih kao eliminatori statičkog elektriciteta. To su specijalizirani alati koji pomažu neutralizirati ili ukloniti statički naboj s površina i materijala.

Upotrebom eliminatora statičkog elektriciteta, osiguravate da se svaki potencijalni statički naboj sigurno rasprši. Time se smanjuje rizik od iskrenja koje bi moglo uzrokovati požar ili oštetiti osjetljivu opremu. Neutraliziranje statičkog naboja pomaže spriječiti da se čestice prianjaju zajedno, što može dovesti do problema kao što su grudanje ili neravnomjerna disperzija.Bubble Glass,veselimo se vašem odgovoru. Hvala.

Staklo s mjehurićima

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