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Ketonic resin, also known as ketone resin, ketone aldehyde resin and aldehyde resin. As an additive, its adhesion, gloss, moisturizing and leveling properties are particularly outstanding. It is widely used in paints, coatings, greases, inks and cosmetics. It is compatible with most solvents but is insoluble in water.


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Organoclay For Cosmetics

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Organoclay For Inks

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Water Based Organoclay

Organophilic Clay

Drilling Grade Organophilic Clay

Paint Grade Organoclay

Grease Grade Organoclay

Cosmetics Grade Organoclay

Ink Grade Organoclay


Ketonic Resin | ketone aldehyde resin

Ketonic resin, also known as ketone resin, ketone aldehyde resin and aldehyde resin. As an additive, its adhesion, gloss, moisturizing and leveling properties are particularly outstanding. It is widely used in paints, coatings, greases, inks and cosmetics. It is compatible with most solvents but is insoluble in water.

Its solubility in non-polar solvents such as mineral oil, aliphatic hydrocarbons, and alicyclic hydrocarbons is greatly limited.Ketonic resin is soluble in almost paint and coating solvents, such as aromatic hydrocarbons, alcohols, ketones, and esters, but is insoluble in water.


Properties | Polyaldehyde resin

Ketonic Resin | Ketone Resin
They can be used in high-flexo and gravure inks, automotive paints, and some high-gloss automotive paints. It has relatively good pigments, suspension elasticity and excellent gloss. 7. Its excellent adhesion, good drying ability and pigment wettability have been welcomed by pigment manufacturers. At the same time, it can also make Oxidative stability is particularly evident.

Item Aldehyde resin | polyaldehyde resin
Apperance eye test White or little yellowish beads or powder
softening temperature (ISO 4625-1:2004) Degree Celcius 90-105
color number (ISO 4630-1:2004) Hazen 1
acid value (ISO 2114-2000) mg KOH/g ≤3
hydroxyl value(DIN 53240-2:1998) mg KOH/g 30-80


G/cm3 1.10±0.05
Moisture content(ISO760:2000) % ≤1.0

Ketonic resin | Aldehyde Resin is compatible with many coatings of raw materials including:

  • Alkyd resin
  • Cellulose nitrate
  • Cellulose acetate-butyrate
  • Petroleum resin
  • Phenolic resin
  • Urea-formaldehyde resin
  • Epoxy resin
  • Rosin
  • Vinyl chloride copolymers
  • Acrylic resin
  • Polyurethane resin
  • Chlorinated rubber
  • Phthalate plasticizer
  • Melamine-formaldehye

Benefits of Ketonic Resin


polyaldehyde resin’s warranty period is 12 months. We suggest that you store it in a cool and dry place, and do not expose it to direct sunlight.

As an auxiliary binder, it is used in inks, especially printing inks and some paints and varnishes, because it speeds drying.

At the same time, the hardness is improved, which is extremely outstanding in film-forming properties.

The gloss is also very popular. Its adhesion and hydrolysis resistance enhance corrosion protection.

In some inks, such as gravure inks, surface printing inks, sensitive inks, anti-counterfeiting inks, ballpoint pens, printing inks, and composite inks, adding the same tree seeds can improve the moistness and gloss of the pigments, and can also be used during printing. content and drying time.

Our aldehyde resin is also used in some outdoor and indoor floor coatings because it has good water resistance, heat resistance and corrosion resistance.

This aldehyde resin also uses some adhesive modifications.

Ketone resin can be used in some PVC paints and decorative topcoats, such as those used in wooden furniture and on the surfaces of some items.

These figures can be used with ballpoint pens, inks and Hitachi inks, and can also be used with isocyanate-based adhesive systems, PU systems as well as radiation-curable adhesives and water-based transparent systems.


Package of polyaldehyde resin:

25KG per bag or 500kg per bag, shelf life 24month.

Polyacetal resin, relative density 1.14~1.19. Melting point is 88~108℃. Glass transition temperature t50~75℃. Soluble in ethanol, isopropyl alcohol, toluene, ethyl acetate, acetone, butanone, cyclohexanone, chloroform, etc., slightly soluble in cyclohexane, and insoluble in petroleum ether and water.

It has strong adhesion, high gloss, high hardness and excellent weather resistance and chemical resistance. Good compatibility with epoxy resin, phenolic resin, amino resin, chlorinated polypropylene, polyamide, chlorinated rubber, rosin resin, petroleum resin, etc. Non-toxic.

Used as tackifier resin to improve bonding strength and hardness.

We welcome you to inquire from us and request samples. We are willing to provide you with free samples and guide you in the professional use of aldehyde resin.


Looking forward to receiving your inquiry.

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