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Cinkov dialkilditiofosfat

Cinkov dialkilditiofosfat

Organofilna glina za isplaku iz naftnih bušotina

Kupac je jako zadovoljan, poboljšane procedure praćenja. Ali autor srednjoškolskog nogometnog streljaštva, potrebne su samo strijele.

Organoclay za boje na bazi otapala

Kupac je jako zadovoljan, poboljšane procedure praćenja. Ali autor srednjoškolskog nogometnog streljaštva, potrebne su samo strijele.

Organoclay za boje na bazi vode

Kupac je jako zadovoljan, poboljšane procedure praćenja. Ali autor srednjoškolskog nogometnog streljaštva, potrebne su samo strijele.

Organski bentonit za mast

Kupac je jako zadovoljan, poboljšane procedure praćenja. Ali autor srednjoškolskog nogometnog streljaštva, potrebne su samo strijele.

Organoclay Za Kozmetiku

Kupac je jako zadovoljan, poboljšane procedure praćenja. Ali autor srednjoškolskog nogometnog streljaštva, potrebne su samo strijele.

Organoclay za tinte

Kupac je jako zadovoljan, poboljšane procedure praćenja. Ali autor srednjoškolskog nogometnog streljaštva, potrebne su samo strijele.


Organoclay na bazi otapala

Organoclay na bazi vode

Organofilna glina

Organofilna glina za bušenje

Organoclay za bojenje

Organoclay Grade Grease

Organoclay za kozmetiku

Tinta Grade Organoclay

cink dialkilditiofosfat

Cinkov dialkilditiofosfat

Analysis of ZDDPs

Zinc dialkyldithiophosphates are important antiwear compounds in machine lubricants. Ovi koordinacijski spojevi imaju cink vezan za anion dialkilditiofosforne kiseline. ZDDPs are added to engine lubricants to decrease wear and assure dependable operation due to their thermal and hydrolytic stability.

Modern industry uses oil-soluble ZDDPs in marine, aeronautical, and industrial lubricating lubricants. Thermal stability, anti-wear prevention, and cost-effective performance are offered by these lubricating oil additives. The slightly-to-moderate water solubility makes them appropriate for oil-based compositions.

Zinc dialkyldithiophosphate is made by reacting phosphorus pentasulfide with an aliphatic monohydric alcohol and zinc. The chemical is either a straw-yellow to green solid or a sweet, alcohol-like liquid, depending on its composition. Zinc dialkyldithiophosphate is a class of uncharged compounds made of zinc, phosphorus, and traces of sulfur.

Lubricating oil additives with ZDDPs are wear-resistant, anti-rotten, antioxidation, and corrosion inhibitors. Their oil-soluble nature makes them easy to mix with detergent-dispersants and acid neutralizers in engine oils. ZDDPs have become essential to lubrication strategies in many sectors, improving equipment and engine performance and lifetime. Zinc dialkyldithiophosphate reduces wear and improves operating efficiency in marine, aeronautical, and industrial gear.


Health Effects

When zinc dialkyldithiophosphate is heated, it can generate mist or vapors that may irritate the mucous membranes and upper respiratory tract, što dovodi do simptoma poput glavobolje, vrtoglavica, i pospanost. Produljena izloženost može čak rezultirati lipoidnom upalom pluća, stanje s ozbiljnim respiratornim simptomima. Izravni kontakt s cink dialkilditiofosfatom može izazvati iritaciju kože, što rezultira crvenilom, svrbež, i oticanje. Također može dovesti do stanja poput masnog folikulitisa i masnih akni zbog kemijske iritacije i začepljenja folikula dlake.

Korištenje proizvoda na bazi ulja koji sadrže ZDDP može dovesti do iritacije očiju, sa simptomima poput crvenila, kidanje, i moguće stvaranje mjehurića. Gutanje ZDDP-a može uzrokovati gastrointestinalne tegobe, uključujući i osjećaj žarenja u ustima, mučnina, povraćanje, i proljev. Ako dođe do povraćanja, aspiracija mineralnog ulja u pluća može dovesti do “pneumonitis uljne magle,” što je potencijalno opasno.

Continued exposure to ZDDP mist or vapors may cause symptoms such as nausea, povraćanje, coughing, and difficulty breathing.


Long-term contact with oils may lead to the formation of fibrotic nodules, lipidna pneumonija, and lipid granuloma in the lungs. While no specific chronic skin hazards have been reported for ZDDP as a whole, prolonged exposure may still cause mild irritation.

Dodatno, repeated and prolonged contact with mineral oils may lead to defatting of the skin, potentially resulting in dermatitis. Na sličan način, there are no reported chronic eye hazards for ZDDP; međutim, long-term effects are expected to be similar to acute eye exposure, and excessive exposure may impair vision. Štoviše, the effects of chronic ingestion are expected to be similar to those listed for acute ingestion, potentially causing liver damage.


Zinc Dialkyldithiophosphates Application

Cinkov dialkilditiofosfat (ZDDP) is a lubricating oil additive renowned for its exceptional thermal and hydrolytic stability. Commonly used alongside detergent, dispersant, and acid neutralizing additives in engine oils, this additive provides essential benefits such as oxidation, copper-lead bearing corrosion control, and wear prevention in diesel and gasoline engines. It proves particularly effective under the demanding temperature and load conditions experienced in highly supercharged diesel engines.

ZnDDPs are widely used as anti-wear additives in lubricants, with major applications in greases, hidraulička ulja, i motorna ulja. Dodatno, ZnDDPs can serve as corrosion inhibitors and antioxidants.

To analyze ZnDDPs in automotive lubricants, a study employed GC/MS with solid-phase extraction (SPE) pretreatment. The SPE method using a mixed absorbent containing 1.0% active carbon in silica gel base demonstrated excellent results in recovery and reproducibility, making it an effective pretreatment method. The developed method allowed qualitative and quantitative analyses of ZnDDP in various real automotive lubricant samples with high accuracy and reproducibility.

The presence of ZDDPs in lubricants plays a crucial role in controlling oxidation and corrosion, ensuring engines operate smoothly and efficiently. Its antioxidant properties extend the life of engine oil by preventing breakdown caused by sludge and soot deposits on engine components. Nadalje, ZDDPs protect metal surfaces by forming chemical films that guard against corrosion.


Fizička i kemijska svojstva

In its natural state, ZDDP exists as a yellow liquid with a distinctive odor, but the exact odor threshold has not been established. When dissolved at 2% in TBN-solvent, ZDDP exhibits a pH range of approximately 5 do 6.5. Međutim, the boiling and melting/freezing points of ZDDP have not been specified.

At a temperature of 104 °F (40 °C), ZDDP has a kinematic viscosity of around 150 cm2/s. It is important to note that ZDDP is insoluble in water; međutim, it does show solubility in mineral oils and synthetic base oils.

The specific gravity of ZDDP varies, with a range of 1.12 do 1.26 for the liquid form and 1.6 for the solid form at 68 °F (20 °C). ZDDP does not contain any Volatile Organic Compounds (HOS-evi), which is significant from an environmental perspective.

Regarding its chemical formula, specific data for ZDDP is not available. The flash point of ZDDP is approximately 360°F, but information on the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL), Upper Explosive Limit (UEL), and Autoignition Temperature remains unspecified.

Zinc Dialkyldithiophosphate Hazard Information

Excessive exposure to ZDDP can lead to irritation of the eyes, skin, or respiratory system, with the eyes being particularly susceptible to adverse effects. Inhalation of ZDDP dust may cause respiratory discomfort, and ingestion can result in irritation of the mouth and stomach. Direct contact with the eyes can lead to moderately severe irritation, while contact with the skin may cause mild irritation.

From an environmental perspective, ZDDP is considered toxic to aquatic organisms and may cause long-term adverse effects in aquatic environments. ZDDP does not undergo rapid reactions with air or water. Međutim, during combustion, irritating oxides of sulfur and phosphorus may form. Under specific conditions, ZDDP can react with strong reducing agents to produce highly toxic and flammable phosphine gas. Partial oxidation by oxidizing agents may also release toxic phosphorus oxides.

ZDDP falls into the category of esters, sulfate esters, phosphate esters, thiophosphate esters, and borate esters, as well as non-redox-active inorganic compounds. It is harmful if inhaled or ingested, causing respiratory tract irritation and potential nausea or dizziness upon inhalation. Skin and eye irritation may occur upon direct contact.

In case of fires involving ZDDP, caution is needed as toxic gases and fumes may be emitted during burning or thermal decomposition. To minimize the risk of rupture, cold water spray can be used to cool fire-exposed containers. For firefighting purposes, water as fog or mist is recommended, while solid streams may spread the fire.


ZDDP in the Engine

Zinc dialkyldithiophosphate plays a vital role in engine protection and performance, making it the most commonly used zinc-based additive in the automotive industry. Its primary function is to act as an anti-wear agent, preventing premature engine wear by forming a protective film on metal surfaces. Dodatno, ZDDP provides essential corrosion and oxidation protection to ensure the engine’s longevity and efficiency.

ZDDP, particularly in the form of zinc dialkyldithiophosphate is especially beneficial for vehicles equipped with flat-tappet camshafts, a common feature in classic cars, vruće šipke, and older muscle cars. Ovi se motori oslanjaju na aditiv cinka za održavanje pravilnog podmazivanja i sprječavanje trošenja bregastog vratila i drugih kritičnih komponenti.

Budući da je motorno ulje krvotok motora, služi višestrukim funkcijama osim podmazivanja. Jedna ključna uloga je prijenos topline, budući da je ulje u izravnom kontaktu s najtoplijim komponentama unutar motora. Temperature glavnog, štap, a rukavci bregastog ležaja mogu dosezati i do 400 stupnjeva tijekom normalnog rada. Konvencionalno motorno ulje može podnijeti temperature do oko 260 stupnjeva (sintetičko ulje može izdržati do 300 stupnjeva). Međutim, Iznad 300 stupnjeva, ulje se počinje raspadati, gubi svoja svojstva podmazivanja i postaje neučinkovit u zaštiti motora.

Kako bi se osigurala odgovarajuća zaštita motora i spriječilo kvarenje ulja, održavanje odgovarajuće razine cinka u motornom ulju je ključno. Za automobile visokih performansi, especially those with higher operating temperatures, using a zinc oil additive allows engine owners to continue using their preferred engine oil while ensuring the necessary level of zinc for effective engine protection.


Alternate Chemical Names

Cinkov dialkilditiofosfat, a compound with various industrial applications, goes by several alternate chemical names. These names include Zinc Dialkyldithiophosphate, Zinc Dihexyldithiophosphate, Zinc Dihexylphosphorodithioat, Zinc O,O-Di-N-butylphosphorodithioate. To simplify its nomenclature, it is commonly referred to using abbreviations such as ZDDP, ZnDTP, and ZDP.

The molecular structure of zinc dialkyldithiophosphate comprises a monomeric unit, and it plays a crucial role in providing excellent anti-wear properties and enhancing the performance of lubricating oils, masti, hydraulic fluids, i motorna ulja. Njegov jedinstveni kemijski sastav omogućuje stvaranje zaštitnih filmova na metalnim površinama, sprječavanje trenja i trošenja, i doprinos ukupnoj učinkovitosti i dugovječnosti strojeva i motora u širokom rasponu industrija.

Nadam se da ovaj proizvod ima proizvode od sirovina koje zadovoljavaju vaše potrebe u pogledu izvedbe, primjena, i korištenje. Osigurat ćemo standardno pakiranje za izvoz kako bismo zadovoljili potrebe transporta na velike udaljenosti. U isto vrijeme, također ćemo osigurati potvrdu o ocjeni sigurnosti prijevoza, zahtijevate li da se izvoz izvrši morem ili željeznicom.


Dobavljač cinkovog dialkilditiofosfata & proizvođač, tvornica u Kini.

Cinkov dialkilditiofosfat

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